Richard Davenport was born in Kilby Parish, Leicestershire, England on 6 Sept. 1640. He was the son of John and Elizabeth Davenport. His family was known as the “Great Wigston Davenports”. Documented evidence indicates that Richard was living in Perquimans Precinct of North Carolina by 1665. He married Johanna (unknown) and had seven children. Richard Jr. born 1671, Elizabeth born 3 July 1676, John born 1 Nov. 1677, Sarah born 10 Oct. 1682, Isaac born 17 Sept. 1685, Susannah born 18 Nov. 1688 and Agnis born 17 Nov. 1691. Johanna lived to about late 1700 and Richard died by March 1714. Many of his decedents continued to live in the Albemarle Sound region of North Carolina and are known as the “Albemarle Davenports” in the United States.

The Albermarle Line is one of four American Davenport lines that have been determined, by Y-DNA testing, to descend from the ancient Davenport line of Cheshire, England.


Listed below are some of websites dedicated to Richard Davenport of Albemarle.  Each represents the complete line or information about its progenitor. If you know of additional websites that might fit this same criteria - please contact the administrator at info "at"

Davenport Genealogy - Linda Haas
Davenport Homestead - Steve Davenport

A good place to expand your research is the Davenport Archives website. It contains hundreds of Davenport related documents, photos, trees and includes lists of researchers and their interests.


Albemarle Branches

The following are the known male branches of the Albemarle line. For our purposes a branch would begin with the sons of the 1st generation. If there was only one son then we would start with the sons in the 2nd generation and so on. We would like to test at lease one individual from each branch. The red highlighted entries are branches for which we do not have test participants. Of course we will accept any Davenport participants but especially need the non-highlighted branches.

If there are additional branches not listed or other changes need to be made - contact info "at"

1st Generation 2nd Generation 3rd Generation 4th Generation Notes Kit #
Richard 1640-1714 John 1671-~1749 Richard ~1699-1773  Jacob ~1737-bef 1815  Zechariah > William 7657
Richard 1640-1714 John 1671-~1749 Richard ~1699-1773  Jacob ~1737-bef 1815  Zechariah > Daniel 105437
Richard 1640-1714 John 1671-~1749 John ~1701-1765
Richard 1640-1714 John 1671-~1749 Joseph 1710-1792
 Joseph > Aaron
 ... Ulyesses
Richard 1640-1714 John 1671-~1749 Joseph 1710-1792
 Joseph > Aaron
...Aaron > ...> Aaron
Richard 1640-1714 John 1671-~1749 Joseph 1710-1792
 Joseph > Aaron
...Aaron > ...> Doctrine
Richard 1640-1714 John 1671-~1749 James ?-1790
 Elkansh ~1758-1783
 ...Stuart 28279
Richard 1640-1714 John 1677-~1749 James ?-1790
 Elkansh ~1758-1783
 ...Williamston 296198
Richard 1640-1714 John 1671-~1749 James ?-1790
 Alexander > Jestin > Jacob
Richard 1640-1714 John 1671-~1749 James ?-1790
 Alexander > Jestin > Alexander
Richard 1640-1714 John 1671-~1749 James ?-1790
 Alexander > James >Thomas Jefferson
Richard 1640-1714 John 1671-~1749 James ?-1790
 Alexander > James > Jeremiah
Richard 1640-1714 John 1671-~1749 James ?-1790
Richard 1640-1714 Richard 1674-        
Richard 1640-1714 Isaac 1685-1765 George Edmond  Ruben > Edmond  12628
Richard 1640-1714 Isaac 1685-1765 George Edmond  Ruben > Elisha  20775
Richard 1640-1714 Isaac 1685-1765 George Absolum  Warren > Burchett >John > Isaac 415779
Richard 1640-1714 Isaac 1685-1765 George Absolum  Warren > Burchett >John > Hardy 873124
Richard 1640-1714 Isaac 1685-1765 George Absolum  Warren > Burchett >Horace  37246
Richard 1640-1714 Isaac 1685-1765 George Absolum  Warren > James 102776


 Y-DNA Test Results

The descendents of Richard Davenport  belong to Haplogroup R-S1480
Click here to download an Excel file of these Y-DA results

- Note: The Y-DNA of the Albemarle Davenport line is very similar to three other American lines and those of English origin. This means that these groups are all related somehow.  To see how the Thomas of Dorchester Y-DNA compares to the others, you can visit the English page here: Davenports of Direct English Descent

These are the Y-DNA results to-date of the participants descended from Richard Davenport. The different row colors represent the separate branches of the line.  Click on the Kit # to view more information about the individual Davenport linage.  The Modal haplotype is what we believe the Y-DNA of Richard looked like based on current results.  Red and blue cells show where an individual varies from the modal. Red indicates movement upward, while blue downward. Combined pink cells represent "connected" markers where the actual difference is counted as one.


The following people are participating in the Davenport Surname DNA Project.  You may view more detail for some by clicking on the link in the Ancestor column.   

Kit #


Current Residence

Earliest Known Ancestor plus more

7657 Roger Allen Davenport Indiana Richard Davenport (1640-1714) > John (1671-?) North Carolina > Richard (1699-1773) North Carolina > Jacob (1737-1815) North Carolina > Zachariah (1774-1856) Virginia > William (1800-1847) Kentucky > Ira (1820-?) Kentucky > William (1845-1887) > Alvis (1895-1934) Kentucky
105437 Kenneth Davenport South Carolina Richard Davenport (1640-1714) > John (1671-?) North Carolina > Richard (1699-1773) North Carolina > Jacob (1737-1815) North Carolina > Zachariah (1774-1856) Virginia > Daniel (1905-1886) Kentucky > George (1827-1894) Kentucky > Mack (1859-1934) > George (1876-?)
8666 Douglas H Davenport


Richard Davenport (1640-1714) > John (1671-?) North Carolina > John (abt 1701-1765) North Carolina > Jacob (abt 1720-bef 1780) > John (abt 1750-1812) North Carolina > William (1774-abt 1837) North Carolina > James Madison (1825-abt 1876) North Carolina > James (1858-1939) North Carolina.
209655 William G Davenport


Richard Davenport (1640-1714) > John (1671-?) North Carolina > Joseph  (1710-1792) > Joseph > Aaron > Stephen > Doctrine Ira (1850-1935) > Ulysses Grant (1870-1950) > Roy Ulysses (1903-1981).

299592 Philip Davenport North Carolina

Richard Davenport (1640-1714) > John (1671-?) North Carolina > Joseph (1710-1792) > Joseph > Aaron > Stephen > Doctrine Ira (1850-1935) > Aaron (1885-1957) > Aaron

299593 Frank Davenport North Carolina

Richard Davenport (1640-1714) > John (1671-?) North Carolina > Joseph (1710-1792) > Joseph > Aaron > Stephen > Doctrine Ira (1850-1935) > Aaron (1885-1957) > Doctrine (1916-1998)

28279 James Davenport Texas

Richard Davenport (1640-1714) > John (1671-?) North Carolina > James (abt 1702-?) > Elkanah > James > Alvah > James > Stuart > Hoyt > Dennis.

250607 Clayton Thomas Davenport Tennessee James Davenport (b.1824 North Carolina) > Jeremiah > Thomas Clyde 
179199 James Davenport Virginia Richard Davenport (1640-1714) > John (1671-?) North Carolina > James (abt 1702-?) > Moses  > Reading > James > Joseph > Llewellyn


Carl Davenport Tennessee Richard Davenport (1640-1714) > Isaac (1685-1765) > George > Edmond > Reuben > Edmond > James R.
20775 George Davenport Oklahoma Richard Davenport (1640-1714) > Isaac (1685-1765) > George > Edmond > Reuben > Elisha > George > Arthur.
415779 Joel Davenport Tennessee Richard Davenport (1640-1714) > Isaac (1685-1765) > George > Absolum > Warren > Burchett > John William (1854-1911) > Isaac Perry (1881-1927 Warren County, Tennessee) > Willie Thurman
873124 Rueben Davenport Richard Davenport (1640-1714) > Isaac (1685-1765) > George > Absolum > Warren > Burchett > John William (1854-1911) > Hardy Brewer (1887-?) > William Reuben 
37246 Milan Davenport Alabama Richard Davenport (1640-1714) > Isaac (1685-1765) > George > Absolum > Warren > Burchett > Horace (1873 Cannon County, TN - 1961)
102776 Jerry Davenport Tennessee Richard Davenport (1640-1714) > Isaac (1685-1765) > George > Absolum > Warren > James > James > William (1877-1961)
222660 Michael Davenport West Virginia Richard Davenport (1640-1714) > Isaac (1685-1765) > George  > Enoch (1773-aft 1840) > Randolph Clayton (b ~1812 Pitt County, North Carolina) > William Hardy > James Alford > Dewey (1915 Bethel, North Carolina-1986)
11620 Walter Glenn Davenport North Carolina John (?-1823) Tyrrell Co.,North Carolina > Talket > John W. > James Henry (1866-1939).
715559 John E Davenport North Carolina  John (?-1823) Tyrrell Co.,North Carolina > Talket (1787-1859) > John W. (1810-?) > Frederick Moore (1849-1933) > Louis Ludford (1888-1964}
22330 Guy Davenport Florida Possibly Pamunkey Davenport. John Davenport (1795-1888) of North Carolina > John > Hosea (1872-1966).  [After testing - he matches the Albemarles]
191029 Don Davenport Texas Possibly Pamunkey Davenport. John Davenport (1795-1888) of North Carolina > John  [After testing - he matches the Albemarles]
37248 Charles T Davenport Arizona James F Davenport (1815-abt 1878) > Wilson > Thomas Jarvis > Leon.
217304 Ernest Davenport Virginia Silas Davenport (1793-1853 > Ebenezer Pettigrew (1848-1900) > Luther Norman (1887-1986)
225478 Howard Davenport Texas Silas Davenport (1793-1853 > Ebenezer Pettigrew (1848-1900) > Captain Howard Ernest > Howard Eugene (1925-1986)
238357 Russell E Davenport North Carolina  Silas Davenport (1793-1853 > Ebenezer Pettigrew (1848-1900) > Ellis Robert (1875-1974) > Russell Emmett (1910-2004)
259896 David Davenport Louisiana John Davenport > James Jefferson (1822 Stewart, Georgia - 1899) > Isaac (1852 Alabama-1928) >William (b. 1895 Louisiana)
B9496 Donald Davenport Florida John W Davenport (1780 North Carolina-1861 Alabama) > James Jefferson (1822 Stewart, Georgia-1895 Louisiana) > Calvin A (1858 Alabama-1928 910 Mississippi) > Artie > Stanley
310198 Carlton Davenport North Carolina Tully Davenport (1814-1885) > William Smith (1859-1924) > Carlton A (1897-1963)
250607 Clayton Thomas Davenport Tennessee James Davenport (b.1824 North Carolina) > Jeremiah > Thomas Clyde 
299590  Michael Davenport  Ontario, Canada Richard (~1543 England-1624 Leicestershire, England) > Thomas (~1569-1637) > John (1607-1686) > St John (1639-1702) > Samuel > Thomas > Charles > Samuel > George > George > Charles (1877 Surrey-?) > Richard (1907 Quebec-1988 British Columbia, Canada)
250198 Mark K Willis South Carolina Fair Milton Willis (b. ~1821 Laurens County, South Carolina) 


 Other Surnames


The Albemarle Davenports are descended from Richard Davenport, born in 1640 in Kilby Parish, Leicestershire, England.  Richard was in his mid 20's by the time he appeared in North Carolina. His Y-DNA is very similar to three American lines that arrived in the Boston area in the early 1600's - Rev. John, Captain Richard, and Thomas of Dorchester. This group is also very close to Davenports with more recent connections back to England.  In other words, the Albemarle's descend from the ancient Davenport lines of Cheshire, England.

Recent research indicates that Richard is a part of the Wigston Davenports of Leicestershire. The Wigston's carry a mutation on marker 534 which is shared by the Albemarle's - a 14 mutating from a 15. They also share, with the Rev. John line, similar mutations on markers 439 and YCAiib. This means the Albemarle and Rev. John lines are more closely related to each other, than to the other two American lines.

Within the Albemarle line, we have found we can distinguish between two of the branches. (Well... almost). All descendents of Richard's son, John, have an 11 on marker GATA H4. While all descendents of Richard's grandson, thru son Isaac, has a 10. Since we don't have descendents of Isaac's other sons, we don't know if the mutation happened with Isaac or George. Since we don't have any descendents from Richard's other son, Richard, we can't be certain it will also be an 11.